The Study of The Problems and Prospects of Implementing Basic Education in Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The main purpose of the study was to make a diagnostic stUdy on the process of implementing basic
education in Ethiopia and detect change in the system, identify the level of the problems, the short coming
of the system, the pressing problem which need to be solved and the area in which more efforts and
investment are required for improvement.
The study was designed to answer four basic questiohs. The questiolls were: 1). What are the extent of
coverage and access to basic education? 2) What are the trends and patterns of educational inequality in
participation rate? 3) What is the level of internal efficiency of the system? 4) What .;'trategies should be
employed to attain basic education?
The study utilized a descriptive survey approach and involVes both primary and secondary sources. The
~tatistical data of the 11 regional states and the date obtained through questionnaire and structured
interview fro~ Amhara, Oromia and SNNP regions ~7re analyzed using relevant statistical tools.
The analysis of data revealed that 1) Coverage and access to basic primary education is limited and
dominated by overage children and the two sides of access, provision and utilization, are in red. 2) The
trend and pattern of regional disparity in participation rate continued to persist in the usual North-South
and the effect was accumulating over time. Concerning the mechanisms of inequality related to gender,
inequality is observed in initial participation, in process and out come. 3) The internal efficiency oj the
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system was found to be very low due to high wastage caused by repetition and drop out rates. The low
internal efficiency (wastage) is more due to dropout and the holding capacity of the system was
decreasing over time.
Finally, . the need for norms ar(d standard on which school distribution is based,
enforcing: compuls~ry attendance law, reducing opportunity costs, increasing the role
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oftprivate sectors, intensifying literacy ptograms, community sensilizali r.'n, alternative
pa~,erns of primary school provision, identifying priority areti zones, building
pa1nersh;p and :mobiliz;ng resources ahd creating supportive policy .:nvironment are
rechmmended as' interventions for promoting equitable access and efficiency to attain
basic education and give the broad and some what abstract goal of basic education Jot
all a.practiral meaning and substpnce