The Effects Of Sales Promotion On Consumer Behavior A Survey On The Soft Drink Industry Of Ethiopia

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The two largest Ethiopian soft drinks manufactures have recently introduced a new way of promoting their brands in the market. They attached prizes with products. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects that are manifested by these promotional efforts on consumers buying behavior. The upshots were evaluated from three conceptual angles: brand switching, repeat purchase and purchase acceleration. In the survey 500 soft drink consumers were covered through questionnaires, of which 451 responses were employed for analyses. After providing a theoretical ground, the study evaluated the responses in total, by sex category, by age group and income class separately. Consequently, soft drink consumers in general seem to react positively towards the prizes offered by the producers. The responses revealed that consumers tendency to switch from those brands without a prize to brands with prizes is high. The only exceptions here are the "above 41" year of age category and the "above 3000" income class. However, once the extra benefits attached are withdrawn, consumers seem to revert back to their original choices. This can be an indicator that the effect of the prizes may only be confide to the period during which they are active. This notion is further strengthened by the fact that responses reviled that, though consumers purchase quantity seems to increase during the period when the offers are active, the acceleration will slow down once the prizes are detached.


A project Report Offered in Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement for the Degree of Masters of Business Administration


Effects Of Sales Promotion, Promotion On Consumer Behavior

