In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Master of Art Degree in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
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Addis Ababa University
Transportation is the movement of persons or goods from one place to another. The need
for the conveyance of goods arises from the fact that they often produced in areas far from
the place where they are needed. Therefore, mobility of people as well as transportation of
goods from place to place is important to satisfy some needs. In view of that, this research
has examined the Factors that Affect the Quality of Public Commercial Transport Service
in Addis Ababa City. To achieve the objectives of this study descriptive and explanatory
research designs have been used. Primary data has been collected through questionnaires
from 384 users that have been selected as a sample using a convenience sampling method
from the five taxi zones of Addis Ababa city. The data collected through the questionnaires
were analyzed using statistical tools such as mean, standard deviation, correlation, and
multiple regression analysis. The results of mean and standard deviation indicate that
public commercial transport service users agreed on the factors that are creating
influences on the quality service delivery of public commercial transport service such as,
transport service practices and management, traffic congestion and parking management,
accessibility, and availability. The result of the inferential analysis indicates that, factors
that affect the quality of public commercial transport service such as (transport service
practices and management, traffic congestion and parking management, accessibility, and
availability) have a positive and significant relationship with perceived transport service
quality. The results also indicate that, all factors that affect the quality of public
commercial transport service (transport service practices and management, traffic
congestion and parking management, accessibility and availability) have a positive and
significant effect on perceived transport service quality. Furthermore, the aforementioned
factors that affect the quality of public commercial transport service significantly
contribute, 86.2% to perceived transport service quality. Based on the findings of the study,
the researcher recommends for the concerned bodies, to improve the existing transport
practices by implementing the available policies properly and controlling the service
providers’ unethical acts; increase the number of interconnected roads as well as parking
lots to minimize congestion; improve the accessibility of the minibus taxis by expanding
the road network coverages; adjust the demand overlap between school and work hours
so as to minimize the unavailability of the taxis during pick hours.
Transport service practices and management, Traffic congestion and parking management, Accessibility, and Availability