The Effectiveness of Tutorial Program in Distance Education at the Tertiary Level: The Case of Alpha and Admas University College
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Addis Ababa University
'/17e purpose of' Ihis sludy was 10 invesligole Ihe elJeclivenes.1 of' lulOrial program ill
distance educalion al the tertiary level with reference 10 Alpho and Adll7os[}n;versity
Colleges. The populalions of Ihis sludy included odmillislralors. luloriol coordillalors,
lulor.l· and studenls. In Ihis sludy a total of 266 participants were laken as a sample. I'roll1
Ihl,\' sort/pIe 50 of them were lutors, 200 were sf/fdents Oriel the rest were odll1inistra/or.\
alld tutorial program coordinators. For a beller lfl1ders!anding (~r the S;1/'/01;011 {/ mixed
reseorth approach wox employed. Questiof/llOireinler view, FGD,observa!iOJlOlu/ dOClftlU' lI1
onoly.';;s were lfsed as rHeans q{ datu col/ecliot!. Frequency, percellliles, s/al/dort!
deviation, !nean value and {-fest were used for analyzing the quontitative data Ivhile the
quolilalive data were !hemalicully organized.calegorized and exorn.;Jled to understand
Ihe emerging pal/ems of responses. The jindings oj'lhe siudy re veal Ihal Ihe lulorial
services provided by tutors were devoted largely to lutor's verbal explanal;rm qj'
descriplive lacls. The cu.rren.1 praclice oj'dislance edu.COlioll offering illsliluliolls o/./(/{'eto
face {uloriaLs are provided on volun!(/I~y bases. Studenls' survey responses ShOl\ leel
dissati.~/(:l(.: lion with Ihe il111ex ible nolure of Ihe resources, insqlllcieJlI ocodemic slfjJporl
provided and a preference for guJded learning aelivities and partieipotioJl ill discllssioll.
fl was fOlfnd wilh safl:~faclion Ihal learners have positive ollilude tmvards tutoria f Oll £!
distonce education in generol. Furthermore, J;'om the responses of Ihe h{/ors/studeJlts
Ihere is eviden.ce Ihal confirms sludems are benejited}i-om/ace 1O}(ICe lutorial. The slu"v
indicated that Ihe absence or shortage of the !nodules during sludenls' registration wos
serious problem Ihal negatively affects sludenls'peljormance,causes delays in gradualion
ond .'III/dents' allendonce and participation in lutorial sessions. The .findings also rel'Nti
Ihol vis//o/ aids were not employed in Ihe tutorial session fn. addition to this the s filtly
disclosed lhot no electronic medio was employed to jcu;ililole the sllfdellt .wpporl sl'rI' i( e.
'flU! absence q/ practical exercise and demollstraliull Ivas foulld 10 be tl/(~ de/eCIS o/"
Ill/orio! session. Finally, basedoll the .lindillgs and conclusiolls reCOlrtJIIClldu!iollS 1\'en.J
1/10de 10 uddress the problem under sludy.
The Effectiveness of Tutorial Program in Distance Education