The Trend of Female Student Participation in Physical Education Class Activities: the Case Study of Entoto Amba High School and Yekatit 12 Preparatory School
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Addis Abeba university
The main issues considered are females in sports activities, physical education
as an academic discipline, and finally the factor that affect female students in
physical education class activities.
To this end, descriptive survey method was employed. (In addition to the
interview of sub–city education officer, woreda education desk, experts, and
youth and sport desk expert, data were gathered from 15 teachers and 150
female students). The information obtained from the questionnaire was
analyzed using sample tools like percentage.
The major findings include parent’s household demand of their daughter’s
labor, early marriage. There was a significant difference in achievement
between male and female students. Female students like better skills
development earlier at primary school and to have more female teachers and
other sporting role models.
Hence, it is recommended that depending on the results of findings, concerned
bodies such as parents, teachers, participants and woreda educational bureau,
etc. To give equal opportunity and access in education with their male
counterparts, to exert maximum effort to work closely with the community to
provide different services for female students, increasing the number of female
physical education role model teachers to encourage and participate female
students, to involve teachers and curriculum express in curriculum
development, to overcome the problems that affect female students from
participating in physical education activities through awareness, to give regular
counseling for female students on the bases of their performance.
Key-Words- Trends, Opportunity, Domination, Peer-group, Perception,
Trends; Opportunity; Domination; Peer-group; Perception; Participation