The Assessment of 20/80 Condominium Housing Projects performance in Addis Ababa:The case of Akakiy -Kalitiy Sub city

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Addis Ababa University


The Aim of this study to assess 20/80 condominium housing projects in Addis Ababa: Researcher used quantitative and qualitative approach as a methodology to address the research questions. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire distributed to 106 selected respondents, with 8 key informant interviews conducted and secondary data was collected from AAHPO employees and Akaki-kalitykoye-feche project sites one and two. The data collected were analyzed using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The technique used to analyze data was frequency and percentage. The findings indicated that,regarding to the client or public agent such as problem in selection of competent consultants and reliable contractors, absence of good methods and systems in purchasing and finance, slow speed in decision making, poor planning and controlling, lack of leadership skills of project manager, poor coordination and communication with stakeholders, and lack of sense of ownership. Regarding to the consultant, there is lack of knowledge and experience, poor management, and difficulty in controlling contractors, poor coordination and communication with the project stakeholders, a slow response regarding testing and inspection, lack of commitment to confirm construction work according to specification and design. Depending on the contractors' lack of experience and technical profession, poor planning and scheduling, Insufficient coordination and communication, lack of leadership quality, less commitment, wastage of resources around the project sites, construction mistakes and defective works. It suggested thatthe government should pay special attention in facilitating a comprehensive national housing policy by providing land, funds, discounted interest rate, and infrastructures to allow the private sector and the individual citizens to solve the housing deficit.


A thesis submitted to the Department of Public Administration and Development Management of Addis Ababa University in Partial Fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Masters in Public Management and Policy (MPMP)


Construction, contractors, Quality
