Critical Success Factors to Information Technology Projects Implementation: the Case of Commercial Bank of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
For an organization performing its business in today’s competitive business environment
information technology/information system is already considered as a critical factor. And, given
the fact that IT system projects are one of the most costly investment decisions and one of a very
few major strategic dimensions to giant service providers (including Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia (CBE)) and similarly getting them implemented is majorly a challenging task by itself.
The overall purpose of this project work is to discover the CSFs to IS/IT system projects
implementation process in terms of their empirical importance in the case of Commercial Bank of
Ethiopia (CBE). Regards to the methodology employed for this project work, a quantitative data
collected from previous implementers of IS/IT system project(s) used, whereas Principal
Component Analysis (PCA) statistical estimation technique was used together with its related data
testing tools. Whereas, the analysis part consists of ranking CSFs through descriptive statistics,
computing commonalities, unrotated and rotated component matrix, total variance calculation,
Pearson correlation technique, and covariance etc. to materialize the above analysis, a statistical
software package for social science (SPSS) was used. Using the above methods of analysis, Top
Management Support, Team Work, Composition, and Capability, Project Leadership, Proper and
Adequate Training, Project Management, Technological Infrastructure, Business Process
Adjustment, Information Systems Adjustment, Processes and Sub-processes (Stakeholders)
Participation, and Business Process Fit: Data Fit were found as an individual key success factors.
Whereas, Five major principal components (dimensions) of CSFs were extracted for this
particular project work, these are already labeled as Process related CSFs, Quality related CSFs
Enterprise related CSFs Project related CSFs, Business and IT System Alignment related CSFs.
Each of these dimensions contained from seven to two high loadings (variables or CSFs). All in
all, organization looking for adopting various state-of-the art IS/IT system technologies in general,
and commercial banks in particular to be efficient and effective they have to focus on the areas
organizational and related business readiness issues, such as in terms improving technological
infrastructure, business processes and information systems adjustments, processes and subprocesses
participation and/or stakeholders and more importantly higher and proper support of
top managements. To this end, providing a better attention to those CSFs explored as key one
beyond all other critical factors are suggested to be a proper move toward s achieving major
objectives of successful implementation of IS/IT project implementation.
Implementation, Critical, Success, Technology, System