Knowledge and practice of anesthesia providers on exposure to inhalational anesthetic agents in TikurAnbesa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2020.
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Addis Abeba University
Background: Inhalational exposure is common among the different health care providers,
especially in anesthesia care providers. Anesthesia providers have failed to identify personal
protective equipments.Knowledge related to occupational hazard prevention among these
providers was also low.
Objective: To assess the Knowledge and practice of Anesthesia Providers on Exposure to
Inhalational Anesthetic Agents in Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional quantitative study was conducted among 114
available anesthesia providers in TASH, from 1 to 30 September 2020. Data was collected using
a structured self-administered questioner. Collected data was analyzed using spss version 26 and
presented with frequencies and percentages. For association between categorical variables
Pearson chi square and logistic regression was used.
Result: Out of 132 anesthesia care providers we were able to collect data in 114(86.36 % of the
total population) participants. Although all feel exposed to inhalational anesthetics, Only
64(56.1%) of the participants scored above the mean for knowledge on exposure to inhalational
anesthetics. Being female anesthesia care provider was strongly associated with good knowledge
score on the risks of inhalational anesthetics. Only 63(55.3%) of the anesthesia care providers
have good practice in applying strategies to reduce exposure to inhalational anesthetic agents.
There was no strongly associated factor with practice of the anesthesia provider.
Conclusion: The knowledge on exposure to inhalational anesthetics agents and the practice in
applying the strategies to minimize exposure to inhalational agents in the Operating theatre is
good. Being female anesthesia care provider was associated with better knowledge on the risks
of exposure to inhalation anesthetics. Standard procedures of prevention of inhalational
anesthetics should be implemented by TASH.The standards can be given as a form of training
for anesthesia care providers and also put as a protocol by the department.
Inhalational Anaesthetic Agents, Anesthesiologist, Knowledge, Perception,Exposure