The Role of Gender Based Perceived Fairness Towards Enhancing Performance of Women, the Case of Three International Organizations in Addis Ababa
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Affirmative Action, which is considered as the function of perceived fairness, is one of globally
recognized positive action program while it is also subject of debates among its supporters and
opponents. The program had been introduced in America before half a century as an instrument to
overcome discrimination and improve the benefits and participations of the assumed marginalized
group of people including women. The proponents of this program believe that it is an equity
action that helps as a remedy for past discrimination, solution for current and potentially future
discriminations and temporarily paves ways for fair and/or equal participation of the target until
equality and justice is ensured. This study is conducted to examine the role of gender based
Affirmative Action towards enhancing performance of women in three organizations. To assess
the awareness and practice of AA and its role on women performance, mixed approach of
qualitative and quantitative research method was implemented through survey questionnaire, KII
interview questions and secondary data assessment. The research design employed for this study
is descriptive. Survey questionnaires were distributed to 54 women employees of the target
organization to acquire their awareness about the AA and its practice in their organization as well
as its role on performance of women in terms of competency, personal development, and career
development. Similarly, 6 KII were targeted to share information about the AA provision in their
organization. Policies of the organization are also assessed to further dig out about the commitment
of the organizations in provision of gender-based AA and its effect. The overall outcome of the
study shows that, though women employees have relatively better awareness of the program and
the policies of the organization show some commitment on provision of gender-based AA, the
content of the policy is not adequate as well and the trend of putting the policy in practice is
minimal. Hence, gender-based AA is playing a very small role towards enhancing the performance
of women despite the intended expectation. The researcher has recommended better options to
improve the role of the program on the intended goal
Affirmative Action/Perceived fairness, Human Resource Management Practices, Employees Performance.