Psychological and Social Adjustment of Adolescent Students among Different Family Types (The case of Addis Ketema Senior Secondary School
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Addis Ababa University
The aim 0/ this study was to see whether or not the psychological and Social
adjustments ol adolescent differ in different family structure consisting 0/ single
parent. stepparent and intact families. The subjects ji-om these three variables were
collected ji-om Addis ketwema senior secolldmy school/ound in Addis Ababa tOWII.
Analysis 0/ variance was employed to find the effect 0/ the independent variables
on psychological and social adjustment 0/ the adolescent. The t-test lor /amih'
structure showed that there were significant diflerences on both dependelll
Ill easures. Adolescents whose parents had experienced a marital dissolution were
significantly /el ver than those whose parents have not with respect to psychological
alld social adjustment. Further more. adolescents in the stepparent groups reported
sigllificantly more psychological and social problems than adolescents in the single
parent family. which suggests that the parent's remarriage crated more problelll
thall being single parent.
psychological and Social adjustments