Signi_Cance of Hole-Magnon Interaction on Ferromagnetism in Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors
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Addis Ababa University
In this thesis we studied hole-magnon dynamics to understand the contribution of their
interaction on the enhancement of ferromagnetism in diluted magnetic semiconductors
(DMS). The t-J model is used as the interaction Hamiltonian with a method of per-
turbation mathematical approach in which canonical transformation is used to obtain
convergent values starting with canting the quantum anti-ferromagnetism from its Neel
state by some angle _ with respect to the z-axis. Employing a spinless fermion represen-
tation for hole operators, Holstein-Primako_ and Bogoliubou transformations are used
to change the hole and spin dynamics to the many body problem. Our calculations in-
dicated that motion of a hole in the anti-ferromagnetic background is dependent on the
magnetic correlation of the system and the tilted angle. The motion of a hole around the
anti-ferromagnetic order is shown to be characterized by high and low energy dispersion
uctuation as the angle changes from 00 to 900. This uctuation in energy spectrum is
attributed as arising from the pair repair spin alignment which could happen in anti-
ferromagnetic(AF) background because of the hole motion e_ect. This is to mean that
the motion of the hole causes a disturbance on the spin cloud of the localized electrons.
This also infer that e_ect of hole motion gives a ferromagnetic (FM) order (maxima) and
anti-ferromagnetic (AF) order (minima) uctuation. Making use of the obtained result,
energy dispersion (Ek), spectral function (density function) (Ak) and quasiparticle weight
(Zk) for the t=J << 1 and t=J >> 1 limit were numerically evaluated and plotted.
Signi_Cance of Hole-Magnon Interaction, Ferromagnetism, Diluted Magnetic, Semiconductors