Pronominal Empty Categories of ktstantiiiia: A Minimalist Approach
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Addis Ababa Universiy
This is a study describing pronominal empty categories of k+stan+iiiia in
light of the Minimalist Approach. The study examines the nature of
agreement with respect to head and argument relations and the licensing
and recovery of pronominal empty categories. It intends to provide new
facts which may help others to describe pronominal empty categories in
related languages and to make comparative studies. The study is based
on data collected from both primary and secondary sources.
It is shown that in the . language, heads agree with their arguments in
clauses and DPs. In declarative clauses, verbs agree with subjects,
objects, and adjuncts. In jussive and imperative clauses verbs agree with
subjects. In nominal clauses, DPs agree with subjects. Regarding the
licensing and recovery of pro and PRO, it is shown that subject pros are
licensed in the Spec of vP, AP, and nP. Subject pros are recovered in the
Spec of ASPP, TP, and AGRSP. Object pros are licensed in the
complement of VP in transitive verbs and Spec of VP in three-place
predicates. Indirect object and adjunct pros are licensed in the
complement of VP and in the v' position, respectively. And object, indirect
object, and adjunct preis are recovered in the Spec of the appropriate
AGRP. PRO is licensed in the Spec of nP and recovered in the Spec of
This study describes the licensing and recovery of pronominal empty
categories m limited clauses and DPs only. Therefore, further
investigation is needed to find out all the possible positions of the
licensing and recovery of the categories within the view of the minimalist
approach. Moreover, the distribution of the complementizer 'yii.-' and
main verb markers of the language need deeper investigation.
Pronominal Empty Categories of ktstantiiiia: