Assessment of Performance on Women Empowerment towards Gender Equality in Wolayita Zone
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The research was aimed to assess and analyze the programmes and practices of Wolayita Zone in
order to examine the extent to which gender issues are integrated as part and parcel of the overall
system. It was also important to evaluate the gender-related perceptions and attitudes of the
members of the community to determine the orientation of key players in the Zone with regards
to gender perspectives and the implementation of policies and programs. The research is also
aimed to identify areas of achievements in the Zone towards women empowerment and gender
equality. At the same time, this research also aspired to identify gaps in women empowerment.
To this end, descriptive research design was used. Qualitative research approaches were utilized.
Regarding the sampling technique, purposive sampling technique was employed. Questionnaire,
interview, Focus Group Discussion and None participant Observation were used to collect
primary data. The findings show that, in spite of some commendable but limited efforts, the Zone
lacks level of commitment, understanding, capacity, operational and institutional framework
which is necessary for proper gender equality and women empowerment. In addition, there is the
huge gender disparity across most of the human resource dimensions, particularly among the
staff. Based on these findings, the researcher has concluded that Wolayita Zone has not yet
sufficiently mainstreamed gender to contribute towards gender equality and the empowerment of
women. To create gender-equitable environment, the Zonal administration should lead by
example by showing commitment to gender mainstreaming through women empowerment.
Supplementary, it is relevant to treat gender equality as a cross-cutting as well as a specific goal,
and build on the modest foundation and strengthen Children and Women‟s Affairs Bureau of the
Zonal administration in terms of resource and conduct continuous awareness creation sessions.
Moreover, the Children and Women‟s Affairs Bureau of the Zonal administration should utilize
an effective advocacy approach and expand strategic partnerships with the stakeholders.
Gender, Gender equality, Women empowerment