The Status, Challenges and Prospects of Adult Literacy Program in East Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


The main o~jective (~/ this stud) was to inve ·tigate the status, challenges and projpec/s oj ([dlllllit >racy program in Ea ·t Shewa zone. To achieve this, a concurrent triangulation mixC'd design was pre/< rred. This II 'US selected to col/ect both quantilati\ e and qualitatil'e datll lI'ithin the same time Fame ami to compensate one's weakness over the other. To Ihis end. thr('e d!U'erent bllt complementary in. truments were used namely; questionnaire, inteniell' ancl FGDs. Til > partici/wnts II'C're -18 adult learners, 31 facilitator. ', six key in/c)rmants oj C'dllcational experts fc)r inten iew and ten 'RC supervisors participated in focus group di.\L'us. ·ion. tratified random sampling, available 'ampling and purposive sampling I chniques \1 ere applied to elect the re pondent groups re.spectively. Data were analyzed u ing both quantitative and qualitative techniques. Afler tabulation of collected raw data Percentage' and Mean were u ed to analyze the quantitative data. For qualitative data. interview, and FGDs results were transcribed and thematic analyses were conducted using words and statements. Based on the analyse , the main finding' of the rudy indicated that the status of adult litewcy program in the zone is very low in number of partiCipants and continuity of the program. The results also 'howed thatle 's efJectivenes . of the program was a a result of multidimensional filctor' which have been affecting individually and collectively. The ·tudy revealed that among the factors, the variables such as poor planning, organizinG' and management jystem" poor allocation and utilization of resources. inability to organize need based curriculum and learning content, use of traditional and teachercentered teaching methods, lack of competent and commifledfaciliLators, and poorfollow-up and monitoring jY ·tem II ere found to be series problems. From the findings, it could he concluded that due 10 the combined and individual influence of these factors, the statu. ' oj adult literacy program in the zone have been below average in plan performance every year. \ elY weak in quality, characterized by lack of continuity and ·ustainability. Hence. the following mea ures would be recommended. Be aware of the general objectives of literaL)' regarding of human resource development process, Establishing of respon 'ive stru ture and a signing of qualified and competent experts who shoulder the responsibility of planning. organization and management of the program. Allocation of suffiCient re 'ource . including budget, creating the ystem that encourages identification of contextualized content with the full participation of benefiCiaries, using of learner-centered teaching method ', give duC' allenlion on training ojfacililators and supervisor ', e ·tablishing of regular and continuvu.\ follow-ilp and l1'lOnitoi-ing yslem.



Challenges and Prospects of Adult Literacy Program
