Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of master of acts (educational research and development )
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Addis Ababa Universty
The Prevalence of PlagiarisJ'J'z and its implication to quo/ity of education:
The case of Addis Ababa Univers ity.
Name Addisu Berhe
The intent o/this sllIdy Iva.)' to assess the P n~va l e nce of Plagiarisms and its implication to
quality of education: The case of !\ddis Ab:tba Univers ity. Both quantitative alld
qualitative data werc collected through questionnaires, inter view) and participant ',)'
ohserv(!rs. A samp!e 0/ eight departments W e/)' sc!eC f::d randomly ([f)wng •;0 postgraduate
studies. A sample oj' 163 students participated j;•om 483 postgraduate students of regula!"
and extension program; besides 9 instructors lvere inter viell'ed. The data were ana!y:ed
using Percentages, Ineans om/ standard d(!viation. The jindings revcal that inlemc!
plagiarisms and plagiarisms dlle poor understanding oj in lext citation, paraphrasing
and referenCing prevail most due to intentional plagiarism act ufpres,) !lrc to succeed ond
unin!entional act of po ()I . understanding olin text Citation, pClraphrcl.)illg :md rc/erencin:;
convclltions'. Further, absence 0/ vivid Clnd inclusive rnechanisms to id.:ntifv the
authenticity a/students work across the selected departmerl /'5 show thot there is a loosen
ant-plagiarism movements in the departments, Therefore, this stU((v suggests different
recommendations and the main ones are departments and institutes should prepare
common explicit simple examples of correct text acknowledgements conventions thut
could be put on the course olltlines of each courses/modules; the nation higher
:;dllcations should have u hub data hase ({nd softJ.vare 's that coutd help instructors C/
cf"o.Js the nation to check their students work with others prior ,vork; student's papers
and thesis titles have to be guided to new issues (md contemporClty problSI11S of /he
society to minimize replications and scrabbling on similar arena
Educational Research