The Ireclza Ritual, Its Significance and Value Among the OrOITIO People: The Case of Bishoftu and Surroundings
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This study deals IVith th ' Ire h I ritual, it ' 'i 'ni Icance alld vallie (11110 11 Ih romo p lople, with
particular reJerence to Bi 'ho tu and the 'uJ'l'oundings, ~f(lny studies have dealt with the 1'011'10
culture, but only aJeIV looked at th purpo 'e ' and the 'igni i 'lI1ces () the Irecha ritual and what
those who praclice it contribute to the wid r society. The ocus 0 ' IIii' Ihe i i an altempt 10 ill
this gap, The research was condllcled at Bisho tu town, but 1II0st 0 'the participant Ire rom the
rural areas oj Ada 'a di 'trict, Thus, the inJormantsJrolll Jour ru/'([I p 'a ant a 'sociations 'uch as
Golbich I, Qurqura Dembi, Udee and Garbi 'ha are included. The data are galheredJrom a total
oj 3-1 selected elders, Jarmer ', Abba Gada Tulama (leaders oJ God I Tulama), members oJGada
Tulama, Ind workers oj BishoJtu town and the Ae/a '0 DistricI Admin istration ClIllure and
Tourism Bureau, and BishoJtu lOIVn dIVeller ', There Ivas olso 0 (jue.l'lionn lire distributed to ond
filled by BishoJtu town dIVeller ' that served in the colleclion OJe/CIIo. The inJormants IVere both
male and Jemale as well asJrom varied religious and oge groups, 11 qualitative reseorch method
\Vas employed with a minor usage oj a quantitative one, ond tlie quolitative data were gathered
through observation, focus group discussions, key in/ol'lllOnts ' interviews, and inJormal
conversations, Secondary sources and profiles oj Ihe study s ites Fom the Ada 'a District and
BishoJtu Town Adlll inistl'Otions were also obtained. The findillgs oj the thesis revealed that the
Irecha ritual is pel/orll1ed Jor different pUlposes: religiolls, cullllral and lor both. The m lin
pUipose oJthe lrecllO ritllal is thanksgiving and praying to Waqo, lJesides this, the Irecha MaIka
ritual is also celebl'Cited as a 'rite oJpassage 'Jrom the dark SUlllili er season to the bright autuml/
season and also JrO Il1 the old year to the New Year, Each octil'ity perJormed in the ritual
celebration has its Olvn .sYll1bolic representations attached to it by the traditional custom ' oj the
01'01110 people, These .sYlllbolic events might get their meaning ll'ithill this community. The Irecha
ritual celebration at Hora Arsadi contributes to the Oroll lO COIIIIJI//Ility as a cultural promotion,
strengthening their unity, increasing the income oJthe area, and it creates a good opportunity to
declare and practice the indigenous Im lls that are the pillor 0/ ti,e exi tence oj the society. The
political domination thaI Jaced the Oromo people under Ihe pOSI regimes contribuled milch 10 the
weakening oj Ihe lrecha rit ual. Ilowever, parts oj Ihe indigellolls clillure are being revil'ed, bllt
with some changes in their practices and pwposes, Yet, there is the good IV ill oJthe yO/lfh grulljJs
to rejuvenate the indigenous rit uals, including lrecha.
This study deals IVith th ' Ire h I ritual, it ' 'i 'ni Icance alld vallie (11110 11 Ih romo p lople, with particular reJerence to Bi 'ho tu and the 'uJ'l'oundings