Service quality in Addis Ababa restaurants vis-a-vis price; cases from Arada, Gulelle, and Kirkos Sub-cities'
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Perceived service quality as measured by five dimensions of service
quality and price IS the central point of discussion in this study. The
Inquiry was to scrutinize a gap between customers' service quality
expectation s and customers ' service quality perceptions (experience).
Customer survey was conducted by administering a questionnaire
designed by incorporating the five dimensions of SERVQUAL and price.
The five dimensions of service quality are accepted by customers. The
most favored dimension of the five is tangibles. Responsiveness and
Empathy are the second favored dimensions by customers. Reliability
and assurance follow being the third and fourth . However, restaurants
are not performing well with respect to empathy, tangibles, reliability. A
slightly equal proportion of respondents stood in opposite directions with
respect to price as an indicator of service quality.
Quality, Service