Teacher Education through Distance Program: the Practice of two selected Private Higher Education Institutions
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Addis Ababa University
The intent oj this study was 10 find oul Ihe practice oj PHis in delivering dislance educalion 10
lfual(/.\, teachers to degree level. The study \\las conducted with reJerence 10 St. Mary 's University
College (lnd Adl/IOS ·ollege. the researcher made Awassa the site oJthe study where both oJthe
institlltiolls have their centers.
A case st/ldy method was /lsed wherehy multiple instrllments were employed in order to achieve
the intellded o/~ie': ti\ 'es. TherejiJre interview, ohservation and document analysis were data
gathering instruments.
/11 this stlldy: leomers, tllfors, center coordinators and some documents are used as sources of
the daw. Then the collected data have been analyzed and the major findings were listed. Some of
thi'1II are: 'l11e progJ'{f171 enabled adults to hClle access fa education who other wise couldn't join
h ig/1£'1' i list i /11/ iOI1 lor I'(/rious reasol1s.
Lack of/mining, absence 0/ various learning lIIedia, absence of close follow up to meet learners '
interest were found to be some 0/ the I71qior hindering fac tors in the sllcces.~rul provision oj the
prograllls ill each institlltions.
The stlldy also rel'ealed thaI there was no effort made between Ihe two centers 10 come logether
and share experiences so Ihat q1lality educalion could be provided.
Fil/a/~} ', slll1ll/lOry und conclusions are drawn and some recommendations are made
Higher Education Institutions