The Contribution of Small Scale Irrigation and Income Diversification to Household Food Security in Derra Woreda North Shew A, Oromia Region
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Addis Ababa University
This study examines the use of small-scale irrigation and income diversification in Den'a woredo.
The main objective of the study is Ihe ossessment of the contribution of irrigotion farming and
income diversification to household food security through enabling the household's to increose
their income. The basic assumption of the study is that an increase in household income improves
household 's food security through enhancing their entitlement and access to food.
Two PAS with and wi/hoLiI in-igalion intervention were se /ee/ed /0 see (he comparative advantage
of irrigated cash crop production two hundred sample households were rcmdomly selected from
the 111'0 PAs lhe survey. FoclIs group discussions, and key in/ormanl h11erview were employed /0
collect relevant data at the community, household and individual levels. Data related to
household's annual harvest, total income eamed, household asset endowment, food security
conditions of the household were collected using structured questionnaire.
Data IVas collected with the help of locally recruited and trained enumerators. Data generated
Ihrough household survey wasjil/'ther consolidated through discussion withfocus groups and an
interview with key informants. Both qualitative and quantitative data was generated and analyzed
using simple statisticallools.
The result obtained ji'om the survey reveal the positive impact of irrigation development.
Irrigated cash crop could bring increased agricultural production, beller access /0 agricultural
technology and improve the wealth status of the irrigation users. Irrigators were able to produce
twice a year and reduce dependence on erratic rain-fed agriculture.
The finding of the study reveals that irrigation promotes the use of agricultural inputs and
availoble land resources through supply of water during the dry season. Such opportunities of
irrigation improve food availability and access to food. It has been found that households who
are access to irrigation have been able to double their annual income through the production of
markel-oriented cash crops.
The study has drawn the lesson thaI the development of small-scale irrigation and household
income diversification would contribute to the alleviation of the problem offood shortage if
properly planned and implemented.
Income Diversification to Household Food Security