Community Participation in Local Development Associations: The Case of Hadiya Development Association (Hda)
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Addis Ababa University
The general objective of this research is concerned with the study of the nature of community
participation in Hadiya Deployment Association (HDA) in South Nation Nationalities and
Peoples Region (SNNPR), Hadiya zone. Under the general objective, it attempted to explore
the lIIode alld level oj the comlllullity participation ill different stages oj local development activities;
assess the mechanisms or techniques of community engagement in various organizational
membership structures; and identifY the challenges or barriers which are impeding the
attainment of real community participation in HDA.
To meet the above oNectives, the researcher employed more of qualitative data collection
approaches. Both primC/ly and secondary data sources were used in gathering pertinent
information. The techniques of collecting primary data includes in-depth interviews with five
branch office coordinators and the manager of the HDA; focus group discussion was
conducted with the board of trustees and household survey with the sample respondents were
carried out_ Multiple stage samplings were used for the selection of the survey area where as
simple random and purposive sampling methods were employed for pri111C/1y data collection.
Generally, the study found out that, participation level of the community in local development
activities of HDA is low. But, from all membership structures (students, farmers, traders,
salaried employees, house wives, unemployed and pensioners) of the DA, participation level of
the farm ers is very high but velY low for house wives, unemployed and pensioner groups of the
community. [n project stages, the grass root community participates better in implementation
stage but less in problem identification, planning and monitoring and evaluation stages. The
community members participate in different decision-making and implementation stages
beginning ji-om an individual mode up to involvement in general assembly through
contribution of ideas, cash, material, land and other resources which could be required by the
DA. For community engagement, the DA employs printed materials, telephone lines, radio,
conducting public forums and other door to door contacts. However, the realization of active
community participation in HDA has been impeded by both internal (organ izational) and
external challenges.
Hence, to make the realization of cOllllllunity participation in Hadiya Development Association
to be active, recommendations are made focusing on understanding level of the community,
communication mechanisms of the DA, arrangement of community forums, human resource
allocations, transparency of the DA, coordination with the local institutiolls, and strategies to
be developed easily to reach out all community groups for resource mobilization.
Community Participation