Attitude of School Community Towards Female Students During Practical Class: the Case of Selected Preparatory Schools in Bole Sub-City of Addis Ababa

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Addis Abeba university


The study was conducted in Ethiopia commercial Bank sport club female athletics team here in Addis Ababa. The main purpose of this study was to study the interpersonal relationships among Ethiopian Commercial Bank sport club female athletics team. The participants in this research were consisted of 26 tracks and filed female athletes, three coaches of the team, and the general manager of the team .The participants were selected non random sample as purposely. The major instruments in this study were questionnaire, interview, and field observation. The questionnaires were administered for both female athletes and coaches of the team. To consolidate the information obtained from the questionnaire, unstructured interview was conducted with the general manager of the team and field observation was used. The finding of the study related to the interpersonal relationships among athletes of the team indicated that, most of the athletes responded that there is mutual respect, responsibilities, supporting and appreciating each other during training and computation. They also said that they respect, trust and like their coaches even if they face communication, leadership and coaching styles limits. In conclusion, the study showed that there is some what a positive interpersonal relationship among each athletes of the team, coach and female athletes, coaches – management of the team. It is a great impact that the team giving motivations like incentives and bonuses, apply cooperative coaching styles, improve communication and cooperative leadership contribute positive interpersonal relationships of the team



School Community Towards

