The Challenges Of Mother Tongue Education: The Case Of Wolaytta
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Research into socio-l inguist ic issues with specific applications to Ethiopian languages in ge neral
and Omot ic in particu lar has been limited in comparison wi th other aspects of linguistics. A
decade earl ier the practice of mother tongue education in Ethiopia was in its infancy, it remains a
sensitive issue for many Ethiopians particularly for those in the area of linguistics. The present
paper recogni zes th is gap. The candidate has been considering the issue deeply and tried to
conceive the idea as presented.
This study was conducted in Wolaytta Zone, SNNPR, in four sample primary schools among
educational staff and governmental offi ces. The ai m is to in vestigate the chall enges of mother
tongue education in Wolaytta and to recommend ideas about how to overcome those difficu lti es
in order to properly run mother tongue education in primary schools.
This research contai ns four sections: I) Introduction, which encompasses problem statement,
resea rch methodology, signifi cance and scope of the study; 2) Review of Related Literature
(which reviews the related relevant studies that examines different views on mother tongue
education comparatively and contrastively); 3) the Basic Chal lenges of Mother Tongue
Education in Wolaytta Primary Schools in whi ch an attempt was made to reflect the practical
fi nd ings based on cases and tangible evidences and 4) Conclusion and Basic Findings has been
given depending on the theoretical methodological bodies of the study with a Critical Opinion of
the Research.
The main conclusions of this thesis are that I) using Mother Tongue as a language of learning is
benefic ial for the learners towa rds their pedagogical (educational), psychologica l and sociological
import ance and 2) using mother tongue as a language of lea rning needs to be actively supported
by the concerned governmental and non-governmental bodies around educat ion for its
success fuln ess.
applications to Ethiopian languages in ge neral