Rural Household Vulnerability to Climate Change and Adaptation Options of North Shoa Zone, Oromia Region,
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Addis Ababa University
The study assess es the extent of rural household vulnerability to climate change by applying
Vulnerability as Expected Pover ty (VEP) approach and analyses adaptation options used by
applying multinomiallogit model. The VEP approach is based on estimating the probability that
a given shock or set of shocks moves household consumption below poverty line or force th em to
stay there if they are already below pove rty line . Multinomial logit model is based on th e
probability that households choices one method Fom multiple options to adapt to the negative
impacts of climate change. Th e data was collected Fom rural ftlrming households in Kuyu,
Degem and Wara Jarso Woredas of North Shewa zone of Or0111ia regional state during 2011
production season. The study r esult indicates that Fom the total sample household 62. 5 percent
of the them are vulnerable to poverty, whereas 59.17 percent of them are poor. Moreover the
sources of vuln er ability indicates that about 52.92 percent of the households are vulnerable to
poverty due to low consumption mean and about 9.58 percent of them are vulnerable due to high
consumption in stability. It was also observed Fom the study result that hOllsehold head age,
gender of household head, education level, land size, livestock size, farm income, non-ftlrm
income, irrigation size, ilrub , fertilizer use, insecticide and pesticide use and adaptation reduce
household vulnerability to climate change, whereas family size, idir und mahiber lend to
increase household vulnerability to climate change. Access to extension services, all weather
roads, credit and market also reduces household vulnerability to poverty. The adaptation
methods identified include use of irriga tion, change of planting date and plough system, use of
traditional and improved crop variety , and innovative adaptation method. In this study level of
education, gender, age, land size, fttrm in come, nonfarm income, livestock size , access to credit,
access to market, access to extension, access to all weather roads and social institution
considered as ftlctors that influence the farmers use of adaptation method. The analysis reveals
that these variables influence ftmners' use of adaptation method. This study sugges ts that raising
awareness of climate change, encouraging farmers to use different innovative adaptation
method, increasing availability of improved crop and livestock species, expansion of irrigation
use, non farm income opportunities, access to credit and extension services are possible
intervention areas to reduce ho usehold vulnerability.
Key words : Vulnerability, climat e change, adaptation and vulnerability as Expected Poverty .
Vulnerability, climat e change, adaptation and, vulnerability as Expected Poverty