Assessment of Budgeting Practice of Fafa Food Share Company

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Budget , if used properly, can ass ist organizations in cluding the case company to support the pro fit maximization obj ective b y he lpin g m anagers deal with uncertaintie s. the budgeti ng proce ss may , however, work to th e firm 's di sa d vanta ge. if not properly hundled The paper is aimed at examining general and behavioral aspects of budgeting and budgetary control practi ce of FAFA food share company such as: for what time period the budgets are prepared ?, does the company make use of flexible budgetge and zero based budgeting ?, which process of budget setting is adopted ?, do budgetess participate in budget setting and budget discussion?, how often the budgetary procedures are reviewed and who is ta king care of it ?, how often performance reports are prepared and variances are analyzed? The study is based on both pnmary data , collected through• interview and detailed discussi on with co nc ern ed offic ials of the share company, and secondary data collected through review in g company do cuments (such as corporate reports, performance reports Copany plan, and others). non statisti cal data analys is known as content analysis is used to analyze data and draw conclusis. The results of the study reveal that the company has no well established standing budget committee, no budget manual. Bottom-up approach (a participative style) is used in • budget settin g and budgets are estimated using past year performance as a base (zero :- . besed budgeting is not used). Performances reports are prepared monthly. quarterly, and yearly with out detailed variances ( flexible budgets are not in corporated



Budgeting, Practice
