The Status of Educational Research in East Gojjam Secondary Schools
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Addis Ababa University
This study was aimed to describe and analyze teachers' involvement in educational
resea rch in Eastern Gojjam Secondary Schools and to investigate factors that affect their
involvement in educational resea rch. To achieve these purposes, a descriptive survey
research method was employed. The participants were 334 teachers from 7 secondary
schools, 20 directors, woreda and zone educational officers. The data were analyzed using
percentages, means, xl- test, t-test and/or one-way ANOVA. The data secured through
interview were analyzed qualitatively. The study found out that most of the teachers have
attended research courses at universities/colleges. The trend of training teachers in
seminars, workshops, or in-service training programs in educational research was very low
and the involvement teachers in educational research were also low. There were no
convenient channels of communicating research outputs. The majority of teachers had
medium personal educa tional research competency and favorable attitude toward
ed ucational research. Teachers were not rendered appropriate support and recognition.
There were no functional research coordinating unit/structure in the zone, th ere were lack
of budget allocation, relevant educational literatures in the libraries, equipments and other
faci lities which help doing educational research. It is suggested that functional research
coordinating unit should be organized from schools to regional level that train teachers and
develop experience-sharing habits among school s, and create a means that schools get at
least relevant edu cational literatures, stationery and equipments to satisfy the minimum
research fac il ities.
Educational Research in East