Socio-Economic Challenges of Smallholder Farmers in Agricultural Practice in Robe Woreda, Arsi Zone, Oromia Region

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Addis Ababa University


The objective of this study is to identify the socio-economic challenges of smallholder farmers in agricultural practices in Robe Woreda. To do so, different sampling techniques were employed firstly stage the study Woreda was stratified by agro-ecology (Dega, Woinadega and Kola). Secondly, three rural kebeles namely Jawi sire, Ataba Robe and Endato waltahi were purposively selected from Dega,Woina Dega and Kola agro- ecological zone respectively. Thirdly, eligible Respondent households were selected by using systematic Random sampling techniques from selected kebeles. Hence, 150 households were selected randomly for the study from these sample kebeles including both male and female headed households. The necessary data were generated both from primary and secondary sources to answer the research question. Hence, field observation, household survey, key informant interview and focus group discussions were the principal means of generating primary sources of data while secondary data were obtained from by reviewing various governmental and nongovernmental organization documents and reports, books and academic research papers. The data collected was analyzed and interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively depending on available data obtained. Simple statistical descriptions like frequency and percentages were employed with the aid of Statistical Packages for Social Studies (SPSS) for analyzing and interpreting the data collected. The remaining data were discussed, described and narrated qualitatively. The analysis of the study was also supplemented with visual photographs recorded during field observation. According to the results of the study Limited access to modern agricultural technologies, Poor development of rural infrastructure such rural roads, inadeqaute and poor conditions of market facilities for agricultural production, poor development of rural credit services and financial institutions and poor extension services and use of modern farm input are considered by households as the main constraints of the agricultural productivity of the households. Based on the findings of the study, both short term and long term actions from government bodies, different interested parties and households themselves to ensure better agricultural productivity have been recommended. Keywords: Smallholder farmers, Socio-economic, Challenges, Agricultural practice, Modern agricultural technologies, Rural infrastructure, Credit service



Smallholder Farmers, Socio-Economic, Challenges, Agricultural Practice, Modern Agricultural Technologies, Rural Infrastructure, Credit Service
