Youth Reprod uctive Health Problems and Service Preferences Lalibela Town, North Wollo Administ,"ative Zone, Amhara Region

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Addis Ababauniversity


The reproductive health of youlhs in Ethiopia is multiphase and interrelaled Poor socioeconomic and environmenl, limiled access to reproductive health information and services and lack of youth .ji-iendly reproductive health services aggravated Ihe risk ofyourh reproducli ve heallh problems. The main objective of the study is to assess youth reproductive health problems in Lalibela town, North Wollo, Amhara region Across-sectional based descriplive study on 400 randomly selected youths using structured questionnaire"has been conducted The collected dala were computed with chi-square tests and binary logistic regression analysis. The Findings of the study indicated that, Out of the total 400 respondents, 213 (53.3 percenr) were females with female to male ratio of 1:0.88 Among the study participants, 195 (488 percenl) belong to the age 15-18 From the totai, 26 (6.5 percent) of the respondents were married, oul of which 26(100 percent) of them married before reaching age 18 From the youlhs under Ihe sludy. 199(49.8 percent) were sexually active, out of which 95.5 percenl exercised firsl sexual inlercourse before reaching age 18 and out of Ihe total sexually aclive youlhs 61.3 percenl responded rhat their first sexual intercourse were unsafe (no condom use). There "'ere 70 pregnant youths in the study and j-om those. 886 percent exposed to unwanted pregnancy, of those, 31. 4 percent gave birth and 68.8 percent aborted From chi-square result il was found out that sex, age marital status. a/lending religious program, member of the youth RJ-J and am i A1DS club, attending school youth RJ-J and anti J-JIVIAIDS program, currently going 10 school, having pocket money. currently living with father and mother, educalional level and occupational slalUs have shown significant association with youth reproductive heallh problem. Logistic regression indicates that, being younger age, living wilh theji-iends and gelting pockel money were found 10 be the factors thai resulled in youth reproduclive health problem. 0" Ihe contrwy, attending Ihe school youth RJ-J and anti HIVIAJDS club that disseminate in/ormalion regarding youth RJ-J matters contributed a lot for not being aflected by youth reproductive health problem. From this study it was concluded that youths in the study area were experiencing high youth reproductive health probler;m. Thus there is a need to collaborale different sectors and the community to jclcilitate youlh fi'iendly health services to promole youlh heallh



Service Preferences Lalibela
