Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP) Compiled Body of Works in Field Epidemiology

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Addis Ababa University


The Ethiopia field epidemiology program is a two years service program in field epidemiology adapted from United States center for disease control and prevention (CDC) epidemic intelligence service (EIS) program. The program is designed to assist the ministry of health in building or strengthen health system by recruiting and promising health workers and building their competence through on the job mentorship and training. The program has two main components a class room -teaching component (25%) and practical attachment or field placement component (75%). A suspected measles outbreak was reported from Ofla Woreda to Tigray regional health bureau on January 2014. In the community -based on surveillance system the outbreak was suspected measles outbreak, not confirmed and no death. The surveillance system was provided rapid response and control during of the outbreaks. Our results indicate that the affected age groups cases which 38% > 15 yrs. The highest measles case was among age groups greater than 15 yrs. The individuals who have travel history areas with active measles outbreak cases were strong association for risk of measles infection. The risk of exposure is likely to be higher for individuals because of the overcrowding in house hold level. The community has knowledge about mode of transmission of measles. The risk of transmission for susceptible is low and measles transmission were also protective of disease. Another suspected measles outbreak was reported from Alamata Woreda from January, 2014. Our results indicate that highest cases were most affected in those age group >15 yrs. The highest measles case was among age groups <1 yr and >15 yrs. Vaccinated individuals previously for measles was at low risk of acquiring the diseases. The individuals who have knowledge about mode of transmission of measles were the risk of transmission for susceptible was low and protective. The risk of exposure is likely to be higher for individuals because of the overcrowding in house hold level. The surveillance system evaluation of malaria and measles was conducts to assess its usefulness to detect outbreaks and to estimate the magnitude of morbidity and mortality of disease in the area. Special attention required for the improvements such as: - in describe data analysis by person, place and time, in trend analysis, in completeness and timeliness reporting, in feedback and preparedness of bulletins and disseminated of findings, in communication technologies, in training will be conducted for all epidemic prone disease, in human resources, in supervision, emergency budget allocating and quality of reporting, analysis and feedback of daily and weekly surveillance. Over all there was a few dysentery cases in the region compare with other similar studies. So main finding results indicates the strong of health service system and available of strong environmental



Ethiopian Field Epidemiology Training Program (EFETP)

