Consumers’ Perception towards Source Credibility and Advertising Featuring Celebrities in the Ethiopian Context

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Addis Ababa University


No other marketing vehicle captures the attention of consumers like advertising. Advertisers frequently use celebrity endorsers to get the attention of consumers. This study aimed to assess consumers’ perception towards source credibility and advertising featuring celebrities in the Ethiopian context and to identify the essential celebrity endorser perceived credibility attributes and their effects on purchase intentions. The study is based on a quantitative research design using cross-sectional survey. The samples of the study were intercepted at Addis Ababa university school of commerce campus, a total of 384 questionnaires were distributed in a non probability sampling method both at day and evening time during the first week of may, 306 useable questionnaires were considered for analysis. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20, first descriptive analysis using the mean scores and standard deviations was used to analyze respondents overview of celebrity advertisers, celebrity brand match up, beliefs towards celebrity advertising in Ethiopian advertisements, then Factor (Principal component analysis) with Varimax rotation was used to assess the structure of the expanded source credibility scale and to reduce the data of source credibility indicators into a smaller factors. Finally multiple regression was run on the factor scores to analyze the impact of credibility dimensions on purchase intensions. It is found that all the three indicators of perceived ‘Attractiveness’ ‘Trustworthiness’ and ‘Expertise’ of the celebrity in the original (Ohanian, 1990) scale significantly influence purchase intentions with higher predictor ‘Trustworthiness’ in male celebrity advertiser and ‘expertise’ in female celebrity advertiser. Based on the findings the researcher recommends that Ethiopian advertisers should try their best to choose a celebrity advertiser with all the qualities of ‘Attractiveness’, ‘Trustworthiness’ and ‘expertise’ in order to increase consumers purchase intentions which will improve the advertising effectiveness and consequently increase potential revenues



Source Credibility, Advertising featuring a Celebrity, Purchase Intentions
