The Contribution of Community Development Interventions Towards Food Security: The Case of Adami Tulu-Jido District 0f East Shewa Zone, oro Mia Region

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Addis Ababauniversity


Ethiopia is one of the least developing countries in the world. Despite its immense potential for rapid agricultural development, the country couldn't feed its ever increasing population as a result of recurrent drought, land degradation, unsuitable policy environment of the past ,poor transport and infrastructure ,and low level of economical advancement in the agricultural sector. To ameliorate this deep rooted problems Ethiopia prepared its Interim poverty Reduction Strategy paper (IPRSP) in November 2000 in which its core objective is to reduce poverty and ensure food security through rapid economic growth, which is expected to be achieved via free market economic system .Since the coming to power in June 1991,the country has moved gradually towards national food self-sufficiency .However ,both chronic and transitory problems offood insecurity are sever in many parts of the country in general and the area under study in particular. Despite visible achievements of the project, some failures are observed in EU financed project interventions in the study area. Such failures are observed on targeting of the poor, project supervision, water supply and employment generation scheme. Nevertheless, if the comparison has to be made between the before and after project sitl/ation, the con elusion would be that implemented projects have brought about some improvements through different components of the intervention towards food security



Food Security: The Case of Adami Tulu-Jido District 0f East Shewa Zone, oro Mia Region
