A Study on Rural Households' Food Security Status: The Case of Kuyyu Wereda, Oromiya Regional State

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Addis Ababa University


This research paper is a study on rural households food security status in Kuyyu wereda. The general objective of the study was to find out the status of the rural households to access to resources which enable them to produce or purchase adequate amount of food. Moreover, the basic factors to food security/insecurity conditions in the study area were also discussed in detail. The analyses of the study were made use of both primary and secondary data. The primmy data were collected from 400 sample households living in four of the nineteen Peasant Associations (PAs) in the wereda. The secondary data, on the other hand, were collected from different libraries, document centers and offices. The study discusses some demographic characteristics of the study area like size and sex distribution, fertility, language, religion, literacy and marital status of the population. Major farm activities of the peasants and access to productive assets such as farmlands, livestock, draught power, farm inputs and labor were also discussed. Moreover, the households' sources of grainlcash income and expenditure, factors determining grain productivity and per capita dietary energy supply as well as the households' asset, dietmy energy supply and cash positions were discussed in detail. Food availability calculations were carried out to measure the status of households' food security status in the area. Accordingly, only 5.2 percent of the sample households in the area were found to be access to the nationally recommended daily per capita dietGlY energy supply i. e. 2100 kcal. On the whole, the total available dietary energy from all sources as reported by the households fulfills less than half of their per capita calorie requirement. Multiple regression analyses were also carried out to find out to what extent the selected variables affect the households' per capita dietary energy supply and the farmlands productivity. According to these analyses, possession of farm oxen and livestock, fertilizer application and family size were among the critical factors determining both productivity and the status of the households to access to adequate amount offood. Therefore, it is suggested that among other things, increasing the real income of the peasants, diversifying the rural economy, assuring tenure security, subsidizing basic commercial farm inputs and awaking the peasants continuously on issues related to resource management and family planning must receive policy attention to reduce the households' food insecurity. Moreover, attempts should be made to increase the productivity of the livestock sub-sector in the area so that its food security role will be maximized.



Rural Households' Food Security Status
