Athesis Submmitted To College of Education and Behavioral Science In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements For The Degree of Master of Arts In School Leader Ship

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The main objective of internal efficiency was to identify the major factors that contribute student’s to drop out and repetition in secondary schools of Ebantu Woreda East Wollegga Zone. The research employed a descriptive survey design. Thus, the instruments of data collection were questionnaire, interview and document analysis. The respondents selected from two schools were 4 secondary school principals, 14 grade 10 th homeroom teachers who are volentary from two schools, 120 students and 34 parents. The data collected from respondents were analyzed and interpreted by frequency, mean, grand mean, standard deviation and an interview was manually summarized. The findings of the study showed trends of students’ dropout and repetition of East Wollegga Zone secondary school was increasing. Dropouts and repetition of grade 10 students were worst when compared with grade 11 students. The major factors that influence students to dropout and repetition were frequent absenteeism, students’ lack of interest in learning; disciplinary problems were some major factor. The study recommended that increasing dropout and repetition rate in school, Woreda, Zone level initiate responsible bodies to design prevention programs and regarding to attitudes towards to dropoutand repetition of students to school scientific justifications should be brought about a common sense between and among society who are benefited from school. Parents participate in school affairs and working effectively for making conducive learning environment. Counselors should have assigned from department of psychology. If continuous counseling for students on their economic, social, and psychological problems a students who are under risks of dropping out and repetition could get advantage and change their idea of the former dropping out and repetition of school.


