The Impact of Participative Goal setting, Feedback, and Expectancies on the Staff of Health Service Facilities in Debre-zeit

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Addis Abeba Universty


An intervention study to assess the impact of participative goal setting and feedback on the staff of health service facilities was conducted in three districts of East Shewa Zone over a period of three months, from October to December, 1993. A pretested questionnaire was administered twice to measure the motivational force score (MFS) for seven selected primary health care (PHC) activities. The correlation of these scores with the performance of each activity was calculated to determine their association. The study included a total of 12 health institutions: six in the intervention group and six in the control group with 48 and 46 health workers respectively. Health institutions in the intervention group participatively set goals and developed strategies to attain them for the selected PHC activities for three months (October to December, 1993). were also conducted during this Feedback sessions period. Health insti tutions in the control group had assigned goals without feedback but conducted clinical sessions in the same period. Comparison of the pre- and post-intervention period mean changes in coverage for the selected PHC variables together revealed a significant difference (t : 2.28, p < 0.05) between the intervention and control groups, and a positive association was found between the participatively set goal levels ' and mean change in coverage of the variables ( r = 0.762, 95% CI = 0.642 to 0.882) in the intervention group . Comparison of both the first and second MFS for the variables between the intervention and control groups showed significantly higher MFS in the intervention group (t = 2.49 , p < 0.05 and t = 4.53, p < 0 . 001) than in the control group. between MFSs But no significant association was found and mean changes in coverage of the variables in both study groups. These findings are suggestive of the potential usefulness of participative goal-setting and feedback acti vi ties to improve organizational performance . Participatory goal-setting with feedback appears to have both cognitive and motivational impact on the staff of health service facilities. On the other hand, higher expectancy or valence for PHC activiti es by health workers alone was found not to lead to increased performance .



The Impact of Participative Goal setting,

