Impact of Household Extension Package on Food Security and Income of the Rural Households in Tigray: The Case of Kilte Awlaelo Woreda

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Addis Ababa University


The study is conducted in three tabias of Kilte Awlaelo Wereda, Tigray Region, to assess the impact of the household extension package on food security and income level of the beneficiary households. Data were collected by interviewing 120 sample households (55 package beneficiaries and 65 non beneficiaries) and from secondary sources. The quantitative assessment was supplemented by qualitative data collected from the sample households and different community members. Simple descriptive analysis was made usingSPSS software. The study results show that the package beneficiaries have achieved relatively better food security and income levels as compared to the non-beneficiaries. The introduction of integrated household package increased crop output by one quintal per hectare and an average net income of birr 482 per household. The available kilocalorie per person per day from own production was found to be 1,485 for the package beneficiaries and 1,066 for the non-beneficiaries. As compared to the national standard, 2200 kilocalorie per adult equivalent per day, package beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries fulfill only 68% and 48.5% respectively. Thus, although there is improvement in production and income of the beneficiaries, own production is not sufficient to uplift the food insecure households. In addition to own production, households in the study area were participating in "Food For Work" activities through the Safety Net Program .. Consequently, the total calorie available to the package beneficiaries raised by 889 kilocalorie per person per day and that of the non- beneficiaries by 401 kilocalorie per person per day. Average income per person per year was also increased by birr 206 and 178 for the package beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries respectively. Therefore, the results show that, on average, the package beneficiaries seem to fulfill their minimum calorie requirement and able to earn 67% of their daily income requirement from all sources. The food calorie available to and income of the package beneficiaries exceeded from that of the non-beneficiary by 41 % and 18% respectively. However, in absolute terms there are households who could not s till even cover a quarter of their calorie intake and income requirement. Moreover, the study findings indicate that the problems attributed to low fann outputs and consequently to food insecurity and poverty are mainly associated with low application of production enhancing technologies, dependency on unreliable and erratic rainfall and small land holding size. The reasons for low application of technological inputs were shortage of supply of improved seed varieties and animal breeds, and the escalating price of fertilizer and shortage of rainfall. The land holding is also too small to enable households to lead their life and 2 .5% of the households were landless. Therefore, improving supply of better yielding and drought tolerant crop varieties, impro ving livestock p ackages, vigorous development and expansion of inigation, and creation and expansion of non-fann employment opportunities are possible areas of inte rvention to improve food insecurity and to reduce poverty in Kilte Awlaelo We



Household Extension
