Factors That Affect Girls' Participation in Primary School: The Case of Tahtay Koraro Woreda
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Addis Abeba university
This thesis deals with factors that affect girls' participation 111 pnmary schools of Tahtay
Koraro Woreda. In undertaking the study, the descriptive survey method was used. Eight
sample schools of the woreda were selected using simple random sampling method.
Questiofmaire, structured interview forms and document inspection forms were employed for
data collection. The sample of the study includes 96 female pupils, 80 teachers (43 females, 37
males), 8 school directors (all males), and 24 parents (8 females, l6males). Percentage was
used in analyzing and reporting the results. The major findings show that, all the pupils are
coming from rural and low income families. The enrollment rates of girls were higher than
boys, but all the school age girls' did not have the chance to get education. The dropout rate of
females is relatively higher than that of boys and their repetition rate is also higher than boys.
Early marriage, long distance from home to school, shortage of school facilities and lack of
motivation and negative parental attitude towards female education were some of the factors
which affect girls' participation in school.
Recommendations made include improve contact the need between schools and Parents,
Teachers Associations create awareness of the society; improve the educational standard of the
parents. There is also need to communicate with donor agencies to assist for the low income
pupil. Both the society and the government should improve the school facilities and that theteachers help the female pupils by giving them tutorial classes
Affect Girls'