Assessment of Hygienic Milk Production and Prevalence of Mastitis in Dairy Cow in Jikawo Woreda of Nuer Zone, Gambella Region, Ethiopia

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Addis Ababauniversity


A cross sectional study was conducted in Jikawo Woreda of Nuer Zone, Gambella Regional State in Southwest Ethiopia, with the objective of assessing hygienic milk production practices, prevalence of mastitis and associated risk factors from December 2013 to April 2014. Data were collected through administering semi-structured questionnaire, group discussion and conducting California Mastitis screening test across the randomly selected households of the three purposively selected kebeles in the Woreda. The questionnaire was administered to 145 households. The results showed that 75.2% (109) of interviewed households were females while the remaining were males who were involved in hygienic milk production responses. Washing udder was not practiced by 95.17% (138) of the households in the area. Only 4.83% (7) practiced washing udder before milking only after the death of the calf. About 48.3% (70) of the households use cold water to clean milk handling equipments. The California Mastitis Screening Test was performed on 121 lactating dairy cows of these; about 60.33% (73) were showed mastitis cases. The prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis was found to be 11.57% (14) and 48.76% (59), respectively. Test of quarter level prevalence of mastitis was done on 484 quarters and it was found that 9.32% (45) and 37.89% (183) of the quarters had clinical and subclinical cases, respectively. The quarter level prevalence of clinical and sub clinical mastitis from the highest to lowest rate of infection was left front teats (LF) 53.72% (65), right rear teats (RR) 50.00% (60), left rear teats (LR) 45.56% (55) and right front teats (RF) 39.65% (48). Those animals which were affected with tick infestation (χ2 =11.14, p< 0.003),with teat injury (χ2 =7.14, P<0.008) and with history of mastitis (P<0.003, χ2=8.62) were significantly affected with mastitis compared to their counter parts. The occurrence of mastitis based on age, stage of lactation and parity was significantly higher in adult cow (6-9yrs) (χ2 =7.87, P<0.020), in mid (5-7month) lactation (χ2 =6.41, P<0.041), and in cow with moderate (4-7) parity xii (χ2=11.79, P<0.003) respectively. In conclusion, the hygienic milk production activity in the area as a whole requires an intervention. Mastitis has been found to be an important disease in the area. This indicates proper mastitis control should be practiced by maintaining an appropriate cow's environment and udder health management program by the farmers including further investigation on the etiological agents associated with prevalence of mastitis to undertake measurable control options of mastitis in the area. Keywords: Dairy cow, hygienic, milk, mastitis, prevalence, Jikawo, Nuer, Gambella, Ethiopia



Dairy cow, hygienic, milk, mastitis, prevalence, Jikawo, Nuer, Gambella, Ethiopia
