Women’s Political Participation and Representation at Local Level in the Ethiopian Federation: The Case of Ankesha Woreda, Awi Zone, Amhara National Regional State
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Addis Ababa University
Women’s political participation and representation at local levels playan importantrole in the
general processes of theoverall improvements of women’s life and the socio-economic and
political developments of a country. The general objective of this study is to assess the political
participation and representation of women at local levels and identify factors affecting their
participation by taking Ankesha Woreda as a case study. Both qualitative and quantitative
research approach were followed. The researcher has collected both primary data from both
women and men citizens as well as government officials in Ankesha Woreda. Despite the fact that
Ethiopian women are granted constitutional rights to take part in any affairs affecting their life,
they do not exercise equal rights to participate in the country’s politics due to economic, socio cultural and traditional factors.The study identified that the political participation and
representation of women in Ankesha Woreda is low when compared to men except for their equal
participation in Woreda council. The study found that women are underrepresented in local
government structures, like, in kebele councils and cabinets and Woreda cabinets due to deep rooted and a longstanding traditional belief. Thus, the government should confirm equal rights of
women based on their competency, experience and educational background at different levels of
government council particularly, at local level
political participation, representation, women, decision making and Ankesha Woreda