Socio-economic Burden of Malaria in Zeghie Peninsula, ( West Gojjam Zone, Amhara National Regional State, J Northwestern Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The objective of this study was to assess the socia-economic burden o( malaria in Zeghie peninsula. To do this, a combination of quantitative and qualitative research techniques was ernployed at two kebeles in the peninsula. One hundred and .fifty three household heads of both sexes were interviewed. Data collection tools, like surveying, .focus group discussion, key in(ormant interview and .filed observations were used in carrying out this study. As common problems in developing countries, various types of in(ectious diseases were most Fequently diagnosed in the clinic in the peninsula. O( all other health problems malaria wasfound to be the most important parasitic disease in the selling and nearby rural farming communities. The major socia-economic impaci of malaria is responsible for the reduction of the labour force o(families, obstructing education. disruption (j( cultural values (indirect costs), and worsening o( health condition 0/ the community (direct cost). It was found that the indirect cost (j( malaria illness accounted as a loss (j(mean average 365.28 Birr, which is 22.46% o/the mean annual income (j/ a household. Besides, the direct cost accounted a mean average o( /30.11 Birr (8.68%) (jf the household 's annual income. The aftermath of malaria illness was also envisaged in the study area as low birth weight, still birth, induced abortion, and maternity deaths related to pregnancy. Even afier recovery Fom malaria, the study community encounters anemia, visual and hearing impairments, under nourishment (due to loss (j( appetite), and gastric. problem. The disease has also a negative impact on education per(ormance o( stucients sllch as school absenteeism and dropout. Under treated malaria patients in the peninsula were forced to disregard their cultural as well as religious values in abslaining fasting seasons and changed their feeding habit. Due to the relatively beller literacy rate and level (j( education among the community, the awareness about malaria has seemingly improved. However, fill'ther effort has remained so as to decrease the socia-economic impacts o( malaria on the community. In turn, this could be the other side a/taking a palliative measure to alleviate poverty in the selling as well as in the country at large.



Socio-economic Burden
