Role of Public Service Announcements as Behavior Change Communication Tool for Maternal Mortality Reduction in Ethiopia; A Content Analysis of TV Public Service Announcements from the Safe Motherhood Initiative, Federal Ministry of Health of Ethiopia
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Addis Ababa University
The purpose of th is study was to explore the ro le of public serv ice announcements as behav ior
change tool in maternal mortality red uction efforts in Ethiopia . The study aimed to identify the
key awareness messages in the PSAs and sought to see if they were constructed in line with
hea lth communication theories and standard PSA des ign strategies. Content Analysis was used
as the main methodology for this study. Interv iew with the PSA production team was also used
to supplement the content analysis. Health Belief Model and Social Cognitive Theories were
used to inform the ana lys is and discussion in five thematic areas (The Awareness Message in the
PSAs, the Instructions and Cues to Action, Content Construction, Mechanical and Stylistic
Factors ofthe PSAs and the Messenger).The findings ITom the study show that awareness messages were communicated on the dangers
of home births and other barriers to safe motherhood including cultural beliefs, practices and
health facility problems. Most of the designs of the PSAs prove to be in line with
recommendations ITom the Social cognitive theory and hea lth belief model as well as effective
PSA designing strategies. However, in-depth theoretical foundations have not been laid in some
of the PSAs. There were gaps in incorporating key community beliefs that prevent women from
seeking care. Reinforcement messages to adopt the behavior recommended and so urce of
information for further inqu iry for pregnancy related concerns have not been clearly stated to
incentivize audience to think abo ut taking actions. Creative and artistic appeals for the messages
have not been dealt with adequately in the PSAs. Desk reviews of evidence may not necessarily
provide full picture of problems. Therefore, contextualizing theoretical base and pretesting of the
PSAs among the target audience could have provided more insight and community wisdom to
identify practical appea ls to incorporate in the PSAs and motivate behavior change.
Maternal Mortality Reduction in Ethiopia