Practices and Challenges of Community Managaged Rural Potable Water schemes in Delanta, Amhara Region

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Addis Ababa University


This study was aimed to examine practices and challenges of community managed rural potable water schemes in Delanta, Amhara region. The motivation for undertaking this study is to enable community manage rural potable water schemes by itself effectively which determines its success. In this study both primary and secondary data sources were used. The primary data were collected through closed ended questionnaire was employed to collect quantitative data from selected household, an interview guide was prepared and information was gathered through unstructured interview of key informants and focus group while secondary data were collected from was from government and non-governmental publications, annual and inventory reports, previous studies, books and websites. Out of 4502 sample kebele population for the study, 108 individuals were taken as a sample through random sampling techniques. The collected data was analyzed through descriptive analysis using SPSS version 20. Water supply schemes developed by government, NGO with participation of community in the rural areas of Delanta woreda and developed water points, transfer to WASH committees so as to fill the institutional gap at the grassroots. The results of the study revealed that potable water points have not been managed as envisaged due to shortcomings in the approaches followed by interventionists, inadequacy of the emphasis given to capacity aspects and low level of commitment and participation in managing these schemes. As a result, service fees have not been collected. They do not have financial record, auditing and reporting system. Out of 497 improved water points, 130 improved water points have faced breakages of various kinds due to problems in operation and management. Most of these points were not maintained due to financial constraints to cover maintenance expenses. Furthermore, users manifest dependency feelings in that they require the government to maintain broken points. The institutional arrangement was poor. There is no cooperation and integration among WASH committees, woreda and zonal water office. These water offices have shown inadequate capacities to contribute to the continued functioning of improved points. There has been inadequate monitoring and support from local water offices to WASH committees. Recommendations were forwarded by the researcher based on the results of the findings and conclusions of the study; as designing objectives of approaches, participation, factors and institutional aspects very well; providing adequate capacity building on improved water schemes to motivating community and committees.



Community, Community management, Sustainable Management of Rural Water Supply System
