Gender Differentials in Youth Sexual Behavior and Vulnerability to HIV Infection in Burayu Zone Oromia Region
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Addis Ababa University
Ethiopia is a developing counfly with a demographic profile dominated by a youngpopulation. Due to biological, socia-cultural, economic and gender inequality young
people, particlliarly those aged 15-24 years, are generally at a high risk 0/ contracting
STDs including HIVIAIDS. This study is intended to examine gender differentials in youth
(0 HIV Burayu o/Oromia State. II cross-sectional, study was cond1lct in both urban and rural areas of the Zone.
and qualitative data collection methods were used gather the
required information/or the study. For quantitative part of the study, a total of 723 youtll
(367 males and 356/emale youth), in the age group years, living in a randomly
of FOllr locus-group
oI 1 condllcted andjemale
youth to supplement the findings in quantitative part. Descriptive statistics and logistic
were IIsed to examine the influence oIthe explanatOlY variable on the
1.lsing SPSS soflware 16. The major finding 0/ the study sholl'S
tllat sexual initiation which typically occurs at an early age for both sex. However,
females are more likely to start sex be/ore reaching the exact age and 1t is also
Iound that 17.2/or male andI6.5/ilrfelllale. IIlthollgh
most YOllths have lIsed cone/olns, its consistent use was remained lUll'. Considemhle
o/the youth in the area exhibited high risk sexlIal behavior including lIIultiple
activity non 0/ that
HIV infect ion. This ilnplies
that HfVIA fDS prevention and other reproductive health programmes need 10 targel
young. /or/siudy AESMeT
Ethiopia is a developing counfly with a demographic profile dominated by a young
socio-particularly j 5-contracling
HIVIA IDS. stllc0' YOUlh
sexual behavior and vulnerability to 1-[lV infection in /Jurayu zone of Oromia Regional
A conduct o( tile Both quantitative to Ihe
in(ormation/stuc0'. a/the lotal 0(723 youth
l17ales 15-24 selected urban and rural kebeles 0/ the zone were interviewed. Four focus-groujJ
discussions, each with a total of.l 0 partiCipants, were conducted with male C/ml/i!lllClle
Descriplive slCltistics regression analysis used fa of the explanatol)l Ihe
dependent variables using the sofiware j 6. of slud)' shows
thaI initial ion t)1)ical/y before 15 18. iI .fiJund thai the mean age at sexual debut was 17.2 for //Iale and 16. 5(orji!lnale. II Ithough
1170s1 youths used condo illS. consistel1l lise lOll '. Con.l'idemhie
proportion o(lhe youlh exhibiled sexual lIIuiliple
sexual partnership, early sexual activily and inconsistent or n017 use of condoms Ihat
predisposed them to Sexually Transmitted Diseases inc/uding in(ection. implies
HI II/A lDS 10 largel
youths \"hen they are velY young, particularly fo r/emales in the study area.
Youth Sexual Behavior