Analyze the Influence of Train Overloading on Wheel Surface Damage in AALRT
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Addis Ababa University
Stress in Railway transportation systems results usually on the contact area between wheel and
rail. These high stress which presents on the contact point results damage on the wheel. Damage
in railway is resulting from contact between wheel and rail; and a variety of changes to the wheel
that may reduce serviceability.
The damage assessment in wheel-rail contact is a very complex problem, as is affected by many
parameters (materials, load history, climatic condition and others) and different damage
mechanisms can occur. The main objective of this research deals with Analyze the Influence of
Train Overloading on Wheel Surface Damage in the case of AALRT. The contacts of wheel and
rail in straight track are a non-conformal contact which is between wheels tread and rail head.
The analysis is done using hertz wheel rail contact theory; and also modeled and analyzed using
CATIA and ANSYS software. The materials of the wheels have different mechanical properties
but the same structural dimensions and profiles.
Deformation, stress, fatigue life and fatigue damage of wheels are analyzed using ANSYS and
different results on the wheel materials are observed. Deformation and stress on the wheel
increases due to the increment of applied load and these results high fatigue damage on the wheel
and decrease materials fatigue life. The fatigue life (76,262) of CL60 wheels are less with high
deformation and damage (13,113) compared with R8T and ER7 (fatigue life (123,140) and
damage (8,120.7)) wheel materials.
As observed from the results ER7 wheel have long life with less deformation and damage than
other wheel materials CL60 and R8T wheels. And it may provide improved performances,
minimize the sensitivity of overloading and can provide longer life.
wheel-rail contact, wheel-rail materials, overloading, ANSYS