An Assessment of Land Related Service Delivery in Addis Ababa: The Case of Bole Sub City

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Addis Ababa University


The issue of land has been a critical factor in political and economic development in Ethiopia. Land administration and governance is important for smooth progress of the overall development of the nation. In a country like Ethiopia, the provision of land administration services has always been the respon sibility of the public sector. Given that the public sector is the only service provider, the efficiency of land related services has been questionable. With this hypothesis, this research aims to assess the performance of service delivery of land related services at Bole sub-city of Addis Ababa City Administration. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods. Descriptive analysis has also used to get full understanding of the situation, which included tables, percentage and graphs. The primary data were collected from managers, staffs and customers from two offices of land administration at woreda level (Woreda 13 and 14) and the Sub-city office, whereas secondary data were gathered from various literatures and documents.The paper found out that proclamations and guidelines for land related service delivery of the city administration have some gaps and are not clear for the officers and also not harmonized with other land related laws. The organizational structure and capacity of the offices are weak and require immense improvement in terms of availability of adequate staff with the appropriate technical skills, and institution al infrastructure/ resources. Although there are notable achievements as a result of implementation of land related reforms, the reforms have not sustained with some of them back to their pre-reform status. The research has found that only 24% of the customers are "quite satisfied" or "fairly satisfied" with the quality of services provided by the sub city showing that the service delivery of the sub city is inefficient and unsatisfactory. Some of the reasons for such inefficiency might be long waiting time and poor coordination among the offices. This is justified by the respondents as 62% of the cu stomers perceived that there is weak coordination across various land offices. Most of the customers perceived as the services (e .g. building permit service) take longer time than the service standard set by the office (7 days instead of 5 days). On the other hand, "processing time" has substantially improved according to 72% of the respondents.The paper recommends on the need for strengthening capacity of the city administration to enable it to develop clear and harmonized land policies and guidelines. Intensive capacity building activities should be carried out. The respon sibility should also be decentralized to the lowest woreda level. Finally, the study recommends that additional activities must be implemented to promote land related services in a transparent, accountable, sustainable, effective and efficient manner with good land governance



Land Related Service Delivery
