Prevalence of Dentel Fluorosis among high School Students in Nazareath, Ethiopia.

dc.contributor.advisorTaka, Gebre-Emanuel
dc.contributor.authorGillamichael, Fikremariam
dc.description.abstractJL cross-sectional study of the prevalence of dental fluorosis among Nazareath higb school student population and determination of the concentration of fluoride in tne water supoly of t he town was carried out in June 1986 . Of the 4092 9th , l0th and 11th grades student population 1023 (25%) students '!Jere selected f or dental examination and interview by the process of random sampling method using t a bl e of ran dom numbers . Out of the 1023 s tud en t s , 821 (80 . 3%) responded to t~e s t udy. Of the 821 , 334 (40 . 7%) are born i n ~Iazareath , 58 (7.1%) are b orn in ':ionji , Koka , lolenchiti and Hetehar a snd the remaining 429 students (52 . 2%) are born in othe r ol aces Rn~ a rri ved to live in Nazareath a t di ffe r ent year of their ages. The prevalence of dental fluoro Gis a~ong the High School student population is found to be 38 . 2% with no s tatistic a lly s ignifican t differ enc e betwe en the mal es (36 . 9%) and femal es ( 40 . 9%) (x 2 = 0 . 77 , x 2 95 ( 1 d. f) = 3.84 , x 2 99 (1 d.f) = 6 .63, P ", 0 . 01 , P 0 . 05) . i.nd the preva l enc e among those born and brought up in ~azR r ea th is 69 . 1% with significant difference when comnar ed to thos e who have come to live in Nazareath at differ en t times of t heir age (x 2 = 232 . 19, x2 99 ( ) d . £) = 11.34 , (p < 0 : 01) . There i s also sta tistically significant difference among the differen~ ege groups with the young er age gr oups the percent being high (x 2 = Yf . 22 , x 2 99 (~ d . fJ = 13 . 27 , P <0 . 01 ) . v iii Water samples from thr ee functioning sourc es of water SuoJply for trle to',1n ( g wells junction- main suppliers of t he town for the last 23 year s , Deke- Hadi and High way \l; ells - recently dug or on us e tV10 wells , 1983, 1984 r espectively) are also analysed and the results indicate high fluoride l evel (5.30, 1.32, and 1.16mg/litre of wat e r , respec t ive l y . Thus th ere is an assoc i at i on between t he flu oride cont en t of the water su~)ply and the prevalence of dental fluorosis in those that are born and brought up in Nazareath and those that have arrived t o Nazareath at an e a r l i e r age of th eir life .en_US
dc.publisherAddis Abeba Universtyen_US
dc.subjectPrevalence of Dentel F luorosisen_US
dc.titlePrevalence of Dentel Fluorosis among high School Students in Nazareath, Ethiopia.en_US


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