Assessment of Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials, Effects on Early Sexual Initiation and Other Risky Sexual Behaviours among Preparatory School Students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
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Addis Abeba Universty
Background: Adolescence is an important time in the life cycle of human being for establishing
healthy behaviors, attitudes, and lifestyles that contribute to current and future health. Globally,
youths and adolescents are more sexually active. One of the important factors for the present day
youth and adolescents’ risky behaviors is exposure to electronic media which has explicit
Objective: To assess the prevalence of exposure to sexually explicit materials and its effect on
early sexual initiation and other risky sexual behaviours among preparatory school students in
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Method: Across-sectional descriptive study was conducted among randomly selected 1128
regularly attending preparatory school students in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia using pre structured
self administered questionnaire and data was entered using EPI info version 3.1 software and
analysis was done using SPSS 20.
Result: The overall proportion of students exposed to sexually explicit material was 528
(51.67%) and male exposure (53.97%) was higher than female (46.03%) and146 (27.6%) of
students were exposed to sexually explicit material before celebrating their 15th birthday.
Sexually explicit material consumers were found to be 7 times more likely to have early sexual
initiation as compared to non users [AOR (95% CI) 7.053(3.520 -12.122)].
The overall proportion of sexual initiation was 187(18.6%) and 131(70%) of students started sex
before celebrating their 18th birthday as well as 116(88.55%) had history of exposure to sexually
explicit material. The overall proportion of oral and anal sex was 21(2.10%) and 25(2.50%)
respectively and of them 20 (89%) of students had oral sex and all 25 (100%) had anal sex, had
history of exposure to sexually explicit material.
Conclusion and Recommendation: Youths who were sexually active and exposed to
pornography more likely to perform mal and risky sexual act- oral and anal sex. Schools should
establish and strengthen school mini-media clubs and organize peer education programs. Also
well organize school based counseling program is crucial
Assessment of Exposure to Sexually Explicit Materials