Development of Some Utilities for Micro Cds-Isis Software
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Addis Ababa University
The current research examined the need for an online
data validation facility, specifically online data entry
assistance and online help on format errors for databases
created using Micro Isis package. (Micro CDS-ISIS) software
To achieve the specific objectives of this study,
two CDS-ISIS Pascal programs (DEA and MOCDS) have been
developed using the CDS-ISIS Pascal language.
DEA program is divided into two main parts . The
first part is developed to provide online field-by-field
guidance to data entry operators on how to select and
enter data in different fields in a record of a Micro Isis
database, based on a machine - readable data entry guide.
For the purpose of testing and demonstration of data entry
assistance, the ABNCD database guide (accommodating
bibliographic records, as well as records of profiles of
experts, institutions, projects and information systems) ,
is used. The second part is developed to provide guidance
on 'Authority files' for certain data elements,
especially for the names of corporate bodies, names of
personal authors, project titles, mono graphic series,
serial titles, country codes, language codes , meetings ,
etc . The program (DEA) provides online guidance on how to
enter authority records and provides possibility of
marking certain data elements and copying them to similar
Information Science