Staff Turnover in International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): A Case Study of International Rescue Committee (IRC)
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Addis Ababa University
This project paper aims to analyze the staff turnover of international non governmental
organizations (NGO) and particularly the case of the International Rescue Committee (IRC).
Non government non profit organizations are one type of the institutions that provide
employment opportunities in addition to the private sectors and government institutions. The
success of NGOs is determined by the availability and commitment of efficient and effective
human resources. However, currently most of the NGOs are highly affected by staff turnover and
therefore the quality of the service they provide to the beneficiaries is affected and the financial
and non-financial cost of replacing vacant posts is significantly increased.
In order to identify the causes and impact of the staff turnover in IRC, the project has used both
primary and secondary data. With regard to primary data, first hand data have been collected
through questionnaire filled by twelve terminated, thirty one existing non-management and seven
management staffs of the organization selected based purposive sampling. Moreover data about
the trend of both existing and terminated staff were collected from the organization.
IRC (An American NGO) was founded at the suggestion of Albert Einstein in 1933 with the
objective to assist Germans suffering under Hitler. Currently it works in twenty five countries
and fifteen are found in Africa. IRC Ethiopia program has started in 2000 in response to the
severe drought in Somali Region. With 209 permanent employees IRC Ethiopia participate in
education and Community service, Environmental Health (Water and Sanitation), Health, and
other sectors in the four refugee camps and local communities.
Since from the period 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 the total number of staffs terminated from the IRC
is counted to 89. However, though the organization does not keep detailed record for each
resigned/terminated staffs, the total number of terminated staffs since from establishment is
around 174. This indicates that the organization has lost almost 45% (174 out of 383) of its
employees due to different reasons. The analysis of the three year period figures portray that
most of the employees are terminated /resigned from the IRC during the first months of their
employment period. Of the total terminated 89 employees, the highest share of terminated staff
based on position is counted for the Officer and Assistant positions. Regarding termination based
on filed office Assosa and department Education and Community service takes the lion shares.The findings of the study also revealed that the causes of staff turnover are a combination of
factors. Family problems, poor leadership, dissatisfaction with the job, better opportunity in
other organizations, dissatisfaction with the area, and educational opportunity are some of the
causes. Based on the findings recommendations are suggested.
Non-Governmental, Organizations (NGOs)