Factors Affecting the Knowledcje Attitud and Practice or: The Community Towards Malaria Prevention In Kedida Gamela Woreda of Kambata Temi3aro Zone, Snnpr
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Addis Abeba university
In modern economic terms, healthy population is seen as an impol'lant engine of economic
growth. Despite technological advancement in both prevention and treatment practice in the
2 (" centwy, malaria is still a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the past three
decade. Malaria is not only a health problem but also a developmental problem. It places
significant financial hardships on both households and the economy Malaria is a long
standing major health problem in Kedida Gamela Woreda of Kembata Tembaro zone, which
is located in the central region of SNNPR, Ethiopia. So the paperfocuses to investigate the
factors that affect the knowledge, allitude and practice of the woreda community towards
preventing malaria. The study was a survey type, both primm)' and secondmy data \vere
collected Primmy data was obtained through structured questionnaire, key infal'lnanl
interview and focus group discussion Secondmy data was obtained ji-om published and
unpublished materi"ls, project reports and maps, A total of 422 sample respondents were
identified using cluster random sampling technique. The study was conducted ji-om March j
lip to March 17, 2009. The analysis was made at an individual level using bi-variate and
IIIl1lti-variate methods. By which this helps to identifY the socia-economic, demographic
stalUs of the household and cOl1lmunity in that specific locality The result of bi-variate
analysis showed that the demogmphic and socia-economic factors had relationship with
respondents ' knowledge, allitude and practice. Moreover, significant proportion of the
respondents had knowledge, positive allitude but poor practices of malaria prevention This
situation had been observed across all the demographic and socio-economic characteristics
olthe respondents. The chi sqllare and cross tab correlation analysis also slnlll'ed tlwt
access to any form of medias, level of income, participation on environlllental S{{/lltwy
lIIanagement, contact with health extension workers, literacy status, and occupation ",cr"
found /() be significantly related to knowledge and allitude. Nevertheless, sex, marital,l'tatlls,
age, place of residence and household size were not statistically associated with knowledge
and allitude. Based on the .findings, the following points of recommendations were stat eli:
providing health education, improving the environmental dimension, searching alternative
sources of trans milling health education and continuing the work done by NGOs
The Community Towards