Philological and Comparative Study of Abba Abraham's Matthew Gospel With the Greek and Ge'ez Versions: Some Salient Features

dc.contributor.advisorHabtu, Dr Hailu
dc.contributor.authorAlemu, Nebeyou
dc.description.abstractThis thes is will discusses about the biography of Abba Abraham, language hi story of Amharic (in order to highlight the signifi cance of the translation), brief analysis of the language and finally comparison of Matthew 5-7 from the Greek and Ge'ez from Semantic and interpretive point of view. This paper has three main purposes: the first one is historical, the second is philological, and the third is comparative. The hi storical purpose is to sketch a brief biography of Abba Abraham; to explain how the translation took place in Cairo and how it was used by miss ionaries and influenced many. The second purpose of this paper is philo logical. That is to comment on the Amharic language of the period (syntax, orthography, morphology and vocabulary). The third part compares the translation with the Greek and Ge'ez versions. As it is a known fact that the New Testament was written in Greek, this part attempts to investigate how much the trans lation is in line or deviates from the original Greek.en_US
dc.publisherAddis Ababa Universiyen_US
dc.subjectPhilological and Comparative Study of Abba Abraham'sen_US
dc.titlePhilological and Comparative Study of Abba Abraham's Matthew Gospel With the Greek and Ge'ez Versions: Some Salient Featuresen_US


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