Determinants Of Export Competitiveness Of Leather Industries In Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa University


The main purpose of this study was to identify the determinant factors that influence the export competitiveness of leather industry in Ethiopia. The researcher used explanatory type of research design to explore the relationship between competitiveness and its determining factors. The research study was based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data obtained through a structured questionnaire prepared for leather manufacturer and export companies Whereas the secondary data from reports, published and unpublished documents from leather manufacturer and export companies and different organization. The total population of the study was 340 managers of sixty eight leather manufacturer and export companies which are five managerial position employees from each leather manufacturer and export companies. The random sampling technique was used to select 184 leather manufacturer and export companies’ managerial position employees. The study used raw material, quality, marketing strategy, government regulation and incentives, skilled labour force, infrastructure, capital, technology, managerial capability and industry and institution linkage as independent variables and competitiveness as the dependent variable. Demographic and socio-economic conditions of sample respondents and determinant factors of competitiveness analyzed by using descriptive statistics like mean, standard deviations and percentage. Multiple Regression analysis applied to analyze the data generated from structured questionnaire and to identify the impact level of independent variables on the dependent variable. The study found that of the internal factors: marketing strategy, quality, skilled labour, information technology and managerial competency have a positive impact on competitiveness, whereas from the external factors raw material, government regulation and Industry and Institution linkage have a positive impact on competitiveness. Capital from the internal factors and infrastructure from the external factors are not the determinant factors of competitiveness



Export Competitiveness, Leather Industry, Multiple Regression
